( 0 Selected )
  • Range
    • Babies
    • Kids
  • Age
    • From Birth
    • 4 months
    • 6 months
    • 7 months
    • 10 months
    • 12 Months+
    • 3 Years+
    • Vegetarian
    • Vegan
    • Dairy Free
    • Gluten Free

Tasty and Nutritious snacks for kids to eat

Snacks are essential for every parent when out and about to keep hangry kids at bay! The best snacks are balanced, easy to eat, and age-appropriate. Thankfully, there is a lot of nutritious, tasty snack food for kids to choose from. 

How to choose kids snacks items

When choosing the best options, you need to pay attention to different factors. Not only should the food be nutritious but it should also meet your child’s preferences. Here are general recommendations for picking a suitable snack:

  • consider the portion size and nutritional value;
  • opt for snacks with whole, minimally processed ingredients;
  • take into account food allergies or sensitivities;
  • consider preferences and restrictions, such as vegan, gluten-free, or vegetarian;
  • pay attention to convenience and portability;
  • check for added salt, sugar, or flavour enhancers. 

Make sure the chosen snacks for young kids are appropriate for their age group. As a rule, all the kids’ snacks we offer are suitable for children who are over 3 years old. Our snacks are all made with ingredients that are grown without artificial chemicals. The products also avoid artificial flavours, colours, and preservatives. Choosing organic biscuits and crisps can mean a cleaner ingredient list and a more balanced snack, reducing the intake of potentially unnecessary additives.

Usually, organic snacks use healthier oil options, such as organic coconut or sunflower oil, which can be a better alternative to highly processed ones used in conventional snacks. We offer unique flavours and textures that may be appealing to children. These snacks often focus on natural ingredients, enhancing the overall taste experience.

What kids snack food is suitable for travelling?

As a rule, fruit, dairy products, and vegetables can get spoiled quickly, especially in warm conditions. That’s why they are not generally recommended unless you have a special freezer bag to store them in. It’s better to go for packed food, such as organic biscuits, crisps, sticks, and bars. They are more accessible and less likely to get spoiled quickly. 

Why get a snack pack for kids?

It will be especially convenient while travelling. For instance, your child will have a variety of options to choose from on long-distance flights or during a car trip. What’s more, all the meals are nutritious and developed for certain age groups. They are made with organic ingredients and include different nutrients. For instance, organic biscuits don’t contain added sugar and have a high fibre content. They help your little ones feel fuller for longer.  

Small snacks for kids are less messy and easy to hold in a child’s hands. Our options, such as Fruit & Grain Bars and Crispy Sticks, come in individual packaging, which helps keep them safe from water and any other messes whilst travelling. 

Balanced and easy kid snacks for nutritious eating habits

Traditional snacks, such as crisps, cookies, and bars, are not always appropriate for children. For instance, excessive added sugars can contribute to health issues like tooth decay and weight gain. They also provide only a temporary feeling of fullness. Choosing snacks for young kids with lower sugar content or those naturally sweetened with fruits is optimal for keeping a healthy interval between meals and preventing insulin fluctuations.

On the other hand, snacks with added salt and flavour enhancers, such as crisps and crackers, can negatively impact hydration levels. They encourage excessive water consumption after snacks, which is not always healthy. 

Healthy and balanced snacks prevent overeating during main meals, and provide fullness and an energy boost for a long time. They can be an excellent option between main meals and promote healthy eating habits.